Debt Management Solutions
Petwin’s sole aim is to assist you to improve your quality of life by managing your budget and debt. We have an in-depth understanding of the process and unparalleled service that will help you achieve this goal.
When you decide to go the route of debt management, also known as debt counseling, we will negotiate with your creditors in a bid to consolidate your debt into one, affordable, realistic amount that is based on your budget right now.
Once we have assessed your current situation, we will be able to plan a flexible payment solution with you, and will walk you through the entire process step-by-step.
Don’t slip into unmanageable debt – take the first step toward financial freedom by contacting NDA and talking to one of our consultants about our debt management solutions today.
The Debtpack Solution offers advantages in:
- Debt Recovery: Business rules and risk strategy determine how and when processors collect debt.
- Reporting: All activities and customer interactions are recorded in the account, enabling detailed reporting of both debt status and collector performance.
- Administration: Define schedules, workflow actions, account allocations and access levels by team member.
- Correspondence and Scripting: Create user-defined templates to generate consistent scheduled and ad hoc communications.
- Customer Management: Categorize debt into logical groupings, monitor collector queues and enable automatic escalation.
- Transparency: Provide detailed performance dashboards and drill-down reports for management.
- Ease of Use: Intuitive user interface; integration with email and office applications.
- Security: User-defined access and audit trails
Benefits of debt management:
- Petwin consultants offer free, unbiased and expert advice on how to reduce debt
- A debt plan will enable clients to stay on top of their finances
- Debt repayment plans and budgets are tailored to the individual financial particulars of the client
- We educate clients on how to reduce and manage debt, negotiate payment terms with creditors and constructively become debt free by gaining financial independence
- Petwin helps clients keep control of their money and make well informed decisions about monthly debt payments
- We supply clients with structured and helpful debt management tools needed to gain financial independence